Women domestic workers in Harijan Basti, Gurugram, took the initiative to form a self-help group to support one another financially and emotionally. They decided to form their own collective after attending a financial literacy and entrepreneurship workshop.

They compiled a list of 30 women domestic workers who are interested in joining the group. They decided as a group to collect/submit a set amount of money each month. The money will be used to give loans to the women in the group who require them the most.

The group's rules and regulations were also formed by the women domestic workers. They agreed to hold a meeting on the 15th of every month, with every member of the group present. They also stated that the loan will be granted based on the women's urgency at a very low interest rate of 3%. They also defined some basic norms and values for the group to function, such as equality, respect, support, and transparency.

The self-help group has already begun to support and respect one another's choices. This is the first self-help group to be formed in the Basti; the group supports women in talking about their problems, seeking help, and providing support. Women domestic workers feel confident and dignified after forming and joining the group.