PRIA International Academy (PIA), established in 2005, offers educational opportunities to university students and development professionals to enhance their knowledge and skills. The philosophy of PIA is premised on lifelong learning and education is critical to personal and professional development. It, therefore, aims to develop perspectives, knowledge and skills of university students and development professionals by offering a variety of courses. PIA as the educational wing of PRIA (Participatory Research in Asia) draws on practical lessons from the action learning projects PRIA implemented over the last four decades. The educational courses offered by PIA are the perfect blend of PRIA's practice-based experience and academic rigour.

PIA courses are designed and developed based on sound theory and practical insights. These courses have been developed by experienced development practitioners, accomplished academicians, and professional adult learning facilitators. We offer courses with various durations – from 2 to 10 weeks – which are offered online, in-person, or in a hybrid model.

Today, the PIA has over 2000 alumni from 35 countries and has linkages with several universities in India and Canada for course development, course teaching and internships.

PIA also conducts customised learning programmes for staff from civil society organisations across India and the Asian region. In the past year, 10 learners from Save the Children, Bangladesh were enrolled in the International Perspectives on Participatory Research (IPPR) course. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), based in New Delhi nominated 14 of its employees for the Participatory Training Methodology (PTM) certificate course.

Courses In Focus

Community Based Participatory Research in Environmental Health

  • Duration : 6 Weeks
  • Fee : Paid
  • Start Date : TBA
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जेंडर समानता और महिला सशक्तिकरण के लिए खेल

  • Duration : 1 Week
  • Fee : Paid
  • Start Date : TBA
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Gender and Development Planning: Strategising Inclusivity

  • Duration : 6 Weeks
  • Fee : Paid
  • Start Date : Registration Open
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अंतर्राष्ट्रीय परिप्रेक्ष्य में सहभागी अनुसंधान

  • समयांतराल : 6 सप्ताह
  • शुल्क : Paid
  • आरंभतिथि : Registration Open
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Doing Research with People International Perspectives on Participatory Research

  • Duration : 6 Weeks
  • Fee : Paid
  • Start Date : Registration Open
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Current Courses

विकास के लिए खेल (S4D) कार्यक्रम की रूपरेखा, निगरानी और मूल्यांकन

  • समयांतराल : 1 सप्ताह
  • शुल्क : Paid
  • आरंभतिथि : Registration Open
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S4D Programme Designing, Monitoring & Evaluation

  • Duration : 1 Week
  • Fee : Paid
  • Start Date : Registration Open
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Working with Panchayats

  • Duration : 6 Weeks
  • Fee : Paid
  • Start Date : Registration Open
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विकास को मापना: सहभागी निगरानी, ​​मूल्यांकन और प्रभाव आकलन

  • समयांतराल : 6 सप्ताह
  • शुल्क : Paid
  • आरंभतिथि : Registration Open
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Sport for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment

  • Duration : 1 Week
  • Fee : Paid
  • Start Date : Registration Open
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Inclusive Urban Sanitation: No One Is Left Behind

  • Duration : 6 Weeks
  • Fee : Paid
  • Start Date : Registration Open
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विकास के लिए खेल का परिचय

  • समयांतराल : 1 सप्ताह
  • शुल्क : Paid
  • आरंभतिथि : Registration Open
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जेंडर और विकास नियोजन

  • समयांतराल : 6 सप्ताह
  • शुल्क : Paid
  • आरंभतिथि : TBA
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Sport for Development (S4D): Plan, Act, Grow

  • Duration : 6 Weeks
  • Fee : Paid
  • Start Date : Registration Open
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Social Accountability and Civic Engagement

  • Duration : 6 Weeks
  • Fee : Paid
  • Start Date : Registration Open
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Introduction to Sport for Development

  • Duration : 1 week
  • Fee : Paid
  • Start Date : Registration Open
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पंचायतों के साथ कार्य करना

  • समयांतराल : 6 सप्ताह
  • शुल्क : Paid
  • आरंभतिथि : Registration Open
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Measuring Development: Participatory Monitoring, Evaluation and Impact Assessment

  • Duration : 6 Weeks
  • Fee : Paid
  • Start Date : Registration Open
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