The e-Sharm portal was launched by the Ministry of labor and employment under the government of India to form database of workers from the unorganized sector on 26th August 2021.

The unorganized sector included home-based workers, construction workers, domestic workers etc. who can avail various social security schemes of state and central government through their registered e-shram card.

domestic workers are one of the most marginalized workers from unorganized sector because The Code on Social Security 2020 introduced by the central government has also excluded them and as a result, they remain completely outside the purview of government welfare schemes. Launching of the e-shram portal has certainly created a ray of hope for at least treating them as workers.

In Panipat, most of the women domestic workers are residents of the state hence linking them to the e-shram portal was easier. Through Swabhiman kendra, the importance and benefits of the e-shram card were discussed with the women domestic workers; after which many of them showed interest in making the e-shram cards. Addressing to the needs of the women, field officer Sonia along with the animator visited labour department of the district. Labour department sent them to Atal seva kendra from where they gathered detailed information about the e-shram card.

After visiting 4-5 Atal seva kendras, they finally convinced one to come at the Swabhiman kendra for organising a camp for making e-shram cards for the women domestic workers. Animator prepared list of 190 women domestic workers for registration at e-shram portal.

Between October- December (2021), a total of 190 women domestic workers is holder of e-shram cards from Bichpadi village, Panipat.