As Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA) completed its 40 years of existence, it recommits
to facilitate and strengthening the participation of urban informal in the planning, implementation, monitoring and assessment in cities’ development and governance. It sought to strengthen organisations of the urban poor to engage collectively with other stakeholders so that their voices are heard.

Between August and December 2021, PRIA convened Conversations with communities, partners, associates, supporters, experts, investors and colleagues, drawn from civil society, government, business, media and academia, to share ideas and experiences that can help ‘re-imagine’ PRIA, its interventions and the world in the coming period.

In this context, PRIA organised a Samvad (Conversation) on Planning with Urban
Informalities in partnership with the School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi and All
India Institute of Local- Self Government on August 20, 2021, to explore new strategies,
approaches and methods to create a sustainable urban future. The webinar focussed on the following questions:


Click here for the webinar recording