In the wake of the second wave of the pandemic, online Focus group Discussions were organized by the research team at PRIA. The focus-group discussions, which were planned as a face-to-face activity, had to be deferred due to the imposition of lockdown in Gurugram and adjoining areas. The discussions revolved around the topics of nutrition and safety. While nutrition-related discussions were conducted with the ‘mother’ group, the latter was discussed with the adolescent group.

In order to explore the topic of violence and safety from the perspective of adolescents, the facilitators proposed arts-based methodology as an effective tool to identify the social determinants behind adolescent perception of safety.


The following section details the methodology adopted by the facilitators to explore the topic of safety among the adolescents in Gurugram. The FGDs were conducted on April 25,2021.

Learning Objectives

To explore the perception of safety among adolescent

 Time Duration

60-90 minutes

Group Size

8 adolescent boys and girls(3 boys and 5 girls)

Session Requirements

Zoom cloud-conferencing application (participants must have smartphones with pre-loaded zoom app.)

 Number of facilitators required

2 (One facilitator can conduct this session, along with a co-facilitator, who will assist with screen-sharing and note-making)


Majority of the participants rated their ‘home’ as a safe space. However, the fear of being punished or reprimanded by parents was a concern for some of the adolescents.

Even though the school was perceived to be safe, the route to school was not considered safe by majority of the participants. Violence within the school premises, traffic congestion and rash driving, abusive language and unwarranted comments by pedestrians and riders were reported by the participants.

Mixed responses were evoked from the participants regarding their perception of community that they live in. While some of the participants perceived their community to be a safe space, violence and fear of being judged made the girls perceive their community to be ‘less space’.

Malls or gated shopping centers were perceived to be more safe than open markets. The facility of security provided within the premises of the mall made it safe for adolescents, while in the open market, there was no restraint on unsafe behavior, most of which is covert like pickpocketing, inappropriate touch etc.

Fig. Online FGD- Arts-based methodology