As PRIA completed its 40 years, it recommits to continue institutional strengthening and capacity development support to civil society and non-profits with a special focus on new-generation civil society and non-profit groups. Between August and December 2021, PRIA convened PRIA@40 Conversations with partners, associates, supporters, experts, investors and colleagues, drawn from civil society, government, business, media and academia, to share ideas and experiences that can help ‘re-imagine’ PRIA, its interventions and the world in the coming period.

In this context, a conversation was organised by PRIA in partnership with UNNATI (Ahmedabad), Sahbhagi Shikshan Kendra (Lucknow), CYSD (Bhubaneshwar) and Samarthan (Bhopal) on Nurturing Civil Society Partnerships in Uncertain Times on 2 September, 2021. The Conversation was held in hybrid mode – both online and face to face. It was attended by 61 participants and was moderated by Dr. Kaustuv Kanti Bandyopadhyay (Director, PRIA). 


Click here for the webinar recording