An evaluation inception workshop was organized by Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA) and Pro Sport Development (PSD) on November 28, 2020, as part of the Model City Delhi (MCD) programme in Seemapuri, New Delhi.

The event was attended by 25 participants, who are members of coalition group formed in Seemapuri, to ensure holistic participation of the community, as well as smooth implementation of the project. The coalition members have united as partners, to work with three lead implementing agencies, CEQUIN, Slum Soccer, and Pardarshita.

Objectives Of The Workshop

Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA) and Pro Sport Development (PSD) organized an evaluation inception workshop for coalition members, as part of the Model City Delhi  programme. The objectives of the workshop were to:

The evaluation workshop was conducted in three stages:

  1. Visioning exercise was undertaken by the coalition members followed by
  2. Identification of key outcomes to be achieved as part of the intervention
  3. The participants co-constructed Theory of Change and Change Pathways for Model City Delhi Programme. 

Brief Outline Of The Methodology Of The Evaluation Inception Workshop

As part of the visioning exercise, the participants were divided into groups of three and facilitated to put forward their aspirations for the community from the vantage point of youth, parents and local leaders or decision-makers. The youth group was increasingly in favour of improving the education parameters of the community, including increasing the enrolment of students, especially girls, thereby reducing incidents of child labour and child marriage. The parents’ group vouched for an overhaul of the negative perceptions surrounding the community and agreed that the process should begin by placing more emphasis on safety and security. The local leaders’ group envisaged more equality in the community and equal access to opportunities for all, to education, health and livelihood opportunities. All groups were unanimous on working towards eradicating drug and substance use. 

The visioning exercise led to the identification of four thematic areas in which the community wanted to see outcomes of change:

  1. Education
  2. Health
  3. Hygiene
  4. Safety and discrimination

The groups were facilitated to speak about how they wished to use the medium of sport to bring about positive change and effect outcomes in Seemapuri. The participants also discussed various forums that they would use or form to work on the vision that they had envisaged together. The participants wanted to build leadership capabilities in youth by using the medium of sport and play. They also hoped to reduce gender discrimination and drug and substance use by getting young boys and girls involved in sports. Upskilling youth in the community, forming parents’ associations, creating awareness in the community regarding social problems and actively taking up causes with Government bodies were among some of the steps mooted by the coalition members to achieve the end objectives that they had formulated with facilitators of the workshop. 

Based on the above discussions, the participants were facilitated to co-create change pathways that were indicative of the goals and timeline they wanted to embark upon for realisation of the shared vision for Seemapuri. Three groups created three different pathways with regard to working on issues around education, health and equality/safety. The Theory of Change framework encapsulates the vision of the people of Seemapuri, five years hence and is expected to guide the intervention in community towards using sport to effect social change. Three change pathways were designed to achieve the following outcomes:

Model City Delhi

Our Theory Of Change

We will achieve these outcomes using a sport based approach across all the project activities.

Change Pathways

Outcome 1: Improved access to education, employable and life skills for the girls and boys

Top row: Pathways to educational outcomes; Bottom row: Pathways to skill development.

Outcome 2: Improved access to health, hygiene and sanitation services for all

Top row: Pathways to sanitation and hygiene; Bottom row: Pathways to health outcomes.

Outcome 3: Improved safety for girls and women in public spaces

Pathways to safe public spaces for girls and women.



Image 1: Identifying Stakeholders



Image 2: The Seemapuri Youth Group's vision for 2026

Image 3: Group Work in the PRIA campus.