The voyage of learning about self and society as part of Youth-n-Democracy Fellowship in Chandigarh kickstarted on the 4th of July. The inaugural session for the fellowship was held on Zoom for over two days on 4th and 11th July.

The first session on the 4th of July gave fellows a chance to know each other in a fun way by choosing three traits or characteristics which they associated the most from the list of traits. Some of them shared fun stories, while others shared some learning experiences on why they associated with a particular characteristic. This activity helped the fellows in learning about each other and also think of strategies in which they could support each other in this journey of change.

The module on Self and Identity helps fellows in recognizing their individual biases, stereotypes, strengths, weaknesses, privileges, and capabilities. The sessions have been designed with the belief that exploring oneself and coming to terms with oneself at the individual level is important before bringing changes within families and communities.


After this initial introductory icebreaker, an overview of the structure, timelines, and guidelines of the fellowship was shared. An explanation of the code of conduct followed next. Norms of punctuality, non-discrimination, sexual harassment at workplace policy, and other disciplinary guidelines and more were also discussed. Further, consent for sharing photographs and information on social media was taken to ensure everyone’s privacy is respected. Fellows were asked to complete the online training on Sexual Harassment at Workplace (SHW).

On the 6th of July, the fellows met again to have a deeper conversation on PRIA’s SHW policy. This session was concluded with a brief overview of PRIA and its work with Ms. Sumitra Srinivasan. Fellows were asked to share what according to them describes PRIA. PRIA’s beliefs and values and methodology of work with different communities were also discussed. Finally, the floor was opened for questions or comments from the fellows.