I have become more sensitive about many issues. And I want to stay like this by being more accepting and democratic in my approach. 

— Alpi, Youth-n-Democracy Fellow, 2020-21 

Alpi, since school, has actively contributed towards the better futures of vulnerable and resource-poor communities by interning and volunteering with various development sector organisations. However, the idea of working and owning a community-based research project, along with developing multiple aspects of her personality through a fellowship model, brought Alpi to PRIA’s Youth-n-Democracy Fellowship. 

Reflecting on her year-long journey as a YnD fellow, she says she has grown as an individual, improved her personality, and educated herself on various issues. One such issue was the issue of Sexual Harassment at Workplace. “The session and online training capsule on Sexual Harassment of Women at the workplace was very enlightening for me. I knew that the issue existed, and women often do face sexual harassment – it’s seen as normal. I knew that there is a sexual harassment law, but that it’s so comprehensive for a workplace environment is something I did not know,” says AlpiPRIA directs it to work towards promotions of policies, institutions, and capacities for building a gender justice society and relations. Employees, interns, volunteers, animators, partners, among others, have to undergo a mandatory training on Sexual Harassment at Workplace. Alongside, the sessions on gender, sexuality, and identity have also contributed a lot to her learning, making her sensitive towards the issues and concerns of gender identities other than hers. 

The YnD fellowship has made Alpi sensitive towards various issues and capacitated her to view her community from the lenses of gender, class, and caste. She recalls one session in particular, which completely changed how she viewed herself and her privileges. It involved a group activity that required the fellows to put themselves into situations based on an average day in college and perform a simulation activity to learn how to navigate multiple identities. 

The various sessions under the ‘Identity’ and ‘Society’ modules helped her create a space for herself in society. Coming from a media background she was well aware of persisting issues and whose voices were being taken into consideration—influencers, activists, leaders. Little did she know that she could contribute as substantially as they could. “But you know in this world of fast media, influencers, actors and activists are heard more. It's hard to say what my role and place in our society is. But I did learn a lot about making a substantial place for myself in society. For example, through my research project, I can reach out to journals and get my findings published and get put out videos so people hear me. These are some of the things that I can do to enhance my position in society; but so far, I have learned to acknowledge my space in the society.”  

Alpi linked her exploration of her role in society with the idea of space. Having spent some time away from her family while at school and higher education, she struggled with getting her space during the pandemic. However, it was after a few months into the fellowship that she realised the importance of participating at home with her family by being more empathetic towards them. 

For Alpi, the YnD Fellowship supplemented her research work with a participatory and contemporary lens, along with completing her undergraduate degree. After a year into the Fellowship program, one of the learnings that will stick with her is the importance of building a just and equitable space for her family and community. Alpi is now becoming an accepting global citizen, who acknowledges different cultures, languages, regions, and religions, and respects every voice.