Swabhiman kendra has been a safe space for women and their daughters of Bichpadi village, Panipat. The women domestic workers expressed that their daughters also must come to kendra to learn. In light with this, field animator sapna created a group of 25 adolescent girls (Kishori group) within the community.

The first meeting with them focused on their expectations from the center. The girls shared that they wanted to learn about various topics like about their body, self-confidence, and safety. The revealed that these are few things which nobody talks to us. Aditi shared, “My family member does not talk with me about my menstrual health, and I don’t know where to go in case of any problems.”

Another young girl, Pooja shared “I want to build my self-confidence by coming to the center. The learnings will help me to put my arguments clearly.”

After the orientation session adolescent girls were introduced about how to be effective communicator. Importance of listening skills and negotiation skills were taught to them by using sports as a methodology.

Adolescent girls gathering for the orientation session at the Swabhiman Kendra

Following this, adolescent girls expressed their aspirations and dreams through an art-based activity called ‘River of my Life’; where young girls depicted their life as a river. They mapped out their past life in which they highlighted their happy and sad moments and then extended their life river towards future where they highlighted their goals and ambitions.

The aim of the exercise is to appreciate their past accomplishments and plan for better future. Also, to recognize the fact that like a river, life is unstoppable. It doesn’t stop with the challenges and sadness.

Adolescent girls reflected during the session and expressed their emotions. After the exercise, they said that they enjoyed the session a lot because they have realized that after so many problems in the past, they did not stop. Sanjana shared “I realized my strengths today, what has happened has happened but now I have to be ready for the next.”

The Swabhiman kendra is now a friendly space for adolescent girls, where they come after their school. It is a learning center where they learn through art, sports, theatre, and discussion.