On the occasion of International Girl Child Day, women domestic workers along with their daughters came together at the Swabhiman Kendra.

The mother-daughter duo discussed each other's dreams under the theme "My Voice, My Future." They had a meaningful dialogue in which the mothers told their daughters about their ambitions and aspirations and vice versa. Many women were hesitant or afraid to express their dreams, so they sought to finish the conversation by saying, "The moment has passed; there is no need to discuss it now."

Interestingly, some young girls acknowledged their mother's dream by stating, "Let's share mother, perhaps our dreams are the same." It was amazing to watch them conversing, as most domestic workers work more than 10 hours a day and rarely have the opportunity to interact with their daughters.

The key objective of the session was to establish a sense of trust between mother and daughter so that future conversations could be established.

Daughters also discussed their future ambitions, such as what they want to be when they grow up, where they want to study, and so on. Some daughters expressed an interest in becoming an actor or a dancer, but their mothers do not encourage them. Some were successful in persuading their mothers of their ambitions, while many others require continuous communication. They also painted and communicated their emotions and feelings.

"I am happy to hear that my daughters aspire to be doctors, I will help her attain her goal in every way I can. Perhaps my life would be different today if my parents had supported me." Said Rozi, a domestic worker, said

As this year’s theme suggests “My voice, my future”, the conversation between mother and daughter has paved a hope for future dialogues on various topics.