


01-Apr-2018 to 01-Apr-2021


Our Focus

Funded by the European Commission, coordinated by University of Cork, Ireland.

RRING will align RRI to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a global common denominator.

Forming a global RRING community network and development and mobilisation of a global Open Access RRI knowledge base.

Understand the RRI framework in the sectors of Energy, Waste, BioEconomy and ICT in India

  1. Aim
    The overall project aim is to bring Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) into the linked up global world to promote mutual learning and collaboration in RRI. This will be achieved by the formation of the global RRING community network and by the development and mobilisation of a global Open Access RRI knowledge base. RRING will align RRI to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a global common denominator.
  2. Context
    There has almost been two decades of European initiatives to promote and progress
    Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in academia, research and research performing organisations (RPO). There has been a wealth of RRI projects and consortium, it is becoming increasingly obvious that some methodology is required to capture all the knowledge and use it to drive and consolidate the great progress made. There is a danger that the separate initiatives will perpetuate a fracture development in RRI, hindering its proper development.
  3. Goal
    The RRING project acknowledges that each region of the world is advancing its own agenda on RRI. Therefore, RRING will not be producing a Global RRI framework or strategy that is meant to be enforced in a top-down manner. Rather, increased coherence and convergence in RRI will be achieved via a bottom-up approach, learning from best practices in RRI globally and from linkages, via the new RRING community, to develop the RRI linked-up world.
  4. The coordinator of the RRING Project will be hosted in MaREI Centre, University College Cork. MaREI (Marine Renewable Energy Ireland), UCC is a centre for renewable energy research, development and innovation centre. The centre has the expertise of a wide range of research groups and industry partners, with the shared missions of solving the main scientific, technical and socio-economic challenges across the marine and energy spaces.
  5. Experts covering all of the below areas:
      • The six Pillars of RRI: Ethics, GE, Open Access/Data, Science education, Public engagement,
        under the umbrella of Governance.

    However, the working definition of RRI in other countries and contexts would also include the elements of  Action Research , Participatory Design , Participatory Action Research, Participatory Research & Innovation , Participatory Technology Assessment , Service Learning , Scientific Culture , Social Communication , Social Innovation , Citizen Science ,  Community Based Research , Public consultation , Science dialogue , Technology dialogue, Public involvement , Patient involvement , (Upstream) public engagement , Science communication , Anticipatory governance , Public participation , Sustainable development , ELSI (Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of science)

    • Disciplines specifically mentioned in the call: Digital, Single Market, the Energy Union, bio- economy and waste management.
  6. Brief Overview of the Work Packages (WPs):
    • WP3: State of the Art (SOA) review by key RI geographic groupings and territories of RRI: The key geographies are the EU including associated countries and Russia, North America, South America, China, India, Africa and SE Asia including Japan and Korea.
    • WP4: Comparative analysis of SoA with the goals: Global RRI convergence opportunities and limitations and strategies.
    • WP5: Development of RRI as an advantage competitively and otherwise: Qualitative and quantitative analysis of RRI impacts for the key stakeholders by geography.
    • WP6: Create a Framework and strategy to ensure maximum impact of global RRI adoption and convergence.
    • WP7: Establishment of a perpetual global RRI network: This will consist of recognised leaders and experts in RRI who will act as RRI Elders.

Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA) has been selected as the Sub-Contractor of the RRING Project in India. PRIA is actively looking for various stakeholders in the above mentioned 4 Domains (ICT, Energy, Waste and Bio-Economy) to understand the RRI (and RRI like) frameworks in Science and Technology(S&T) in India

For more information about PRIA, visit
For more information about RRING Project, visit

