Government officials and partners from Smart Village, Smart Mandal programme and community


Anandapuram Mandal in Vishakapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh


01-Apr-2016 to 31-Mar-2017


Build evidences, demonstrate innovations, mobilize resources and trigger processes to create #ChildFriendlySmartMandals

Our Focus

Building a child friendly Mandal

Systematization of learning and learning labs for stakeholders

Advocacy with district and state agencies

articipatory processes for co-planning and collaborative actions

The Government of Andhra Pradesh launched the "Smart Village Smart Ward towards Smart Andhra Pradesh" (SVSW) programme under the leadership of Honourable Chief Minister Shri N. Chandrababu Naidu in January 2015. Under this programme, all stakeholders (individuals, partners, community members, institutions) will collectively utilize existing local resources, maximize available services, improve service chains, adopt appropriate technologies, create learning platforms, and improve existing knowledge and skills to become self-sufficient, bring social change and advance inclusive growth in villages and wards.

PRIA, in collaboration with UNICEF, mandal and district administration, and SMART Andhra Pradesh Foundation is supporting and strengthening all partners and the community to achieve these expected outcomes. Anandapuram mandal in Vishakapatnam district has been chosen as a pilot mandal for "Supporting the Making of a Child Friendly Smart Mandal in Andhra Pradesh”. Participatory processes for co-planning and collaborative actions will be facilitated to make gram panchayats in Anandapuram mandal child-friendly and SMART. Learning labs for stakeholders will be created through convened meetings, helping to build evidences, demonstrate innovations, mobilize resources, trigger processes, share and learn from each other’s efforts.


Geographical Spread     

Anandapuram Mandal of Visakhapatnam District

Key areas/components

Key outputs      


1  April 2016 to 31 Mar 2017
