Study on Transnational Role of Indian Civil Society Organisations


The role and contribution of indigenous Indian Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in domestic development has been well recognised and analysed by a number of practitioners, scholars and academicians. A plethora of documentation and research studies have been undertaken in the past to analyse the variety of interventions and contributions towards social change, many of which are available in the public domain. In the past decades, many Indian CSOs have also extended their contribution to transnational activities and global discourses on development in myriad forms. However, a systematic analysis of these experiences is yet to be undertaken. In recent years, with the growing presence of Indian government and business sector in global development, the documentation, analysis and dissemination of such CSO experiences has become undeniably critical.

PRIA in partnership with Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS) organised a consultation workshop on “India’s Global Development Presence: Engagement of Indian Civil Society” on 31 May 2013 in New Delhi. This workshop provided a venue for many Indian CSOs not only to showcase their development interventions outside India but also to analyse the emerging contexts, opportunities and challenges involved in such transnational work. The consultation underscored the need for systematic documentation and analysis of the transnational interventions of Indian CSOs. In continuation with this effort, the primary purpose of the research initiative undertaken is to deepen collective understanding among civil society, academia, media, government and the business sector on the transnational and global roles played by Indian CSOs. This study not only makes an effort to understand the roles played in the past but also to envisage the roles Indian CSOs could play in the coming days.

  • To document the projects and programmes undertaken by Indian CSOs in other developing countries and analyse their contributions towards sustainable development

  • To document and analyse the role and contribution by Indian CSOs in the global development discourse, including global campaigns and advocacy

  • To identify challenges faced by Indian CSOs in undertaking transnational and global activities with special emphasis on challenges related to capacities, resources, and legal environment

  • To draw lessons from the management practices of Indian CSOs in implementing transnational and global activities (taking into account the above mentioned challenges)

  • To identify opportunities for Indian CSOs to strengthen their role and to enhance effectiveness in undertaking transnational and global development activities

+Geographical spread


+Key components
  • Approximately 60-70 identified Indian CSOs will participate in the study

  • A comprehensive review of literature and review of documents including websites, project proposals, reports, management notes and any other publications prepared by each CSO

  • At least 10-12 illustrative case studies to illustrate and analyse the sectoral and thematic priorities, types of interventions and kinds of roles played by Indian CSOs

  • An analytical framework for organising and analysing the data collected through secondary literature surveys and interviews

  • A research report based on the final framework of the study with relevant annexes

+Key outputs
  • A research report highlighting the development context, organisational strategies for transnational and global engagements, types of interventions, geographical priorities, mobilisation of resources, relationship with other development actors, capacities developed, and challenges




Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA)