To document the process of annual planning/budgeting and the impact of government/SSA – CSO partnership in the process of school level needs assessment, micro-planning and cluster/block/district level consolidation of these plans under the banner of Jharkhand Education Project Council (JEPC) through training and facilitation as well as technical support to achieve the objectives of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA).


To document the process of annual planning / budgeting and the impact of government / SSA – CSO partnership in the process of school level need assessment, micro-planning and cluster / block / district level consolidation of these plans under the banner of Jharkhand Education Project Council (JEPC) through training and facilitation as well as technical support to achieve the objectives of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan.

Geographical Spread:

Key areas/components:

Key outputs:


2008 – 09


SSA Jharkhand