Strengthening Monitoring and Learning Systems in Networks of the Urban Poor


The overall objective of the project was to strengthen the capacity of networks and organisations of the urban poor to critically monitor their progress in order to draw lessons that can be shared more widely for scaled-up impacts.

+Geographical spread

India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Philippines and Thailand in Asia and Kenya, Ghana and South Africa in Africa

+Key areas/components
  • The scoping phase included capacity needs assessment of the country federations of Slum/Shack Dwellers International (SDI) in seven countries and the Asian Coalition for Housing Rights in Thailand through field visits and discussion with individual country federations

  • A planning workshop involving the leadership of country federations

  • Two rounds of workshops in Nepal, Sri Lanka and India involving the leadership of the federations to design the LME system

  • Co-designing a SDI-wide LME policy and system

  • Sharing lessons with wider communities of practice working on LME and urban poverty

+Key outputs
  • Improved understanding on the processes of LME and the specific needs related to LME systems by the leadership of country federations

  • Elaborated LME components at the country level including a ‘theory of change’, ‘key change domains’, indicators and progress markers

  • Prepared a detailed bottom-up design for regular collection of data/information and aggregation at various level as per the multi-layer decision making structure of the federation

  • Prepared a SDI-wide LME policy

  • A paper capturing the lessons learnt from the exercise which was presented in two workshops with SDI colleagues and one international workshop on PME




The Rockefeller Foundation, USA