Slum/Shack Dwellers International (SDI) is a confederation of country-level federations of the urban poor from 33 countries of the Global South. It was launched in 1996 and became a formally registered entity in 1999. Its mission is to link poor urban communities from cities across the South to transfer and adapt successful mobilisation, advocacy and problem solving strategies they develop in one location to other cities, countries and regions. After an inception period of 6 years in which SDI operated small capital funds through support from bilateral donors and foundations, SDI formally established in October 2007 a financing facility called the Urban Poor Fund International (UPFI). UPFI is a self-governed, self-managed, ongoing and expanding financial facility that provides capital to member national urban poor funds, managed by members of SDI. Since its start in 2007, UPFI has been supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Norwegian Government and by Sida (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency).


The objective of the project was to review UPFI with regard to the degree to which it was achieving its objectives, the way it was operating, relationships to its supporters, its effectiveness, and the relevance of the underlying assumptions for creating UPFI.

Geographical spread

The Philippines, Uganda, Malawi, Zimbabwe and South Africa

Key areas/components

Key outputs


August to December 2011


Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, USA