Promoting Civil Society Engagement with BRICS

FIM – Forum for Democratic Global Governance in Montreal, Canada (FIM) launched the Civil Society – BRICS Engagement Initiative in November 2011. Though the project was housed within FIM, essentially the leadership of the project came from civil society within the BRICS countries. Towards that end, FIM and PRIA agreed to co-ordinate the initiative in collaboration with the Polis Institute in Brazil, the Isandla Institute in South Africa, the Participation Centre in China and the Commission on Social Policies, Labour and Living Standards, Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation. The primary purpose of this initiative was to develop a strategy whereby civil society actors from within the BRICS countries can begin to influence this key multilateral initiative.

  • To inform civil society organisations in the BRICS countries about the current policy priorities of BRICS

  • To facilitate civil society engagement with key BRICS actors to influence their policy priorities

+Geographical spread

Brazil, China, India, Russia and South Africa

+Key components
  • Preparation of a background document to introduce the initiative

  • Organising in-country consultations involving civil society organisations, government and other stakeholders

  • Preparing and disseminating the in-country consultation reports

  • Organising an international workshop in partnership with other initiatives on BRICS

  • Preparation and dissemination of a synthesis paper highlighting the lessons from in-country and international consultations

+Key outputs
  • India Consultation, 23 March 2012 and 31 May 2013 in New Delhi organised by PRIA, India

  • China Consultation, 24 August 2012 in Beijing organised by Participation Centre, China

  • Brazil Consultation, 27 November 2012 in Sao Paulo organised by Polis Institute, Brazil

  • South Africa Consultation, 19 February 2013 in Johannesburg organised by Isandla Institute, South Africa

  • Russia Consultation, 14 June 2013 in Moscow, as part of Civil G20 meeting hosted by Russia




FIM-Forum for Democratic Global Governance in Montreal, Canada (FIM)