Focus: Relief to the poor, Local governance, Panchayati Raj

Beneficiaries: Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) in Chhattisgarh. Currently - 9724 Gram Panchayats, 146 Janpad Panchayats and 18 Zilla Panchayats (9 new districts created w.e.f. 1st January 2012). Through this grassroot level democratic institutions, the work and its impacts reaches to the poorest in the community.

Funder: European Commission State Partnership Programme (EC SPP) Chhattisgarh

Duration: 8 months (11th November 2011 to 11th July 2012)

Activities: To develop a methodology for the preparation of roadmap, to assess the status and functioning of panchayati raj institutions in Chhattisgarh, to review and modify activity mapping in relation to health, education, nutrition and livelihood and to develop a roadmap for PRIs in Chhattisgarh.