Nandita Bhatt / MR


Preparation for strengthening capacities of select CSOs, government officials and civil society actors of Sikkim to create an engaged and accountable civil society working on issues of development and democratic governance in Sikkim.

Geographical Spread:

Sikkim (all four states)

Key areas/components:

  1. To estimate the total number of existing CSOs (both registered and unregistered).
  2. To classify the CSOs as per their legal framework
  3. To classify the CSOs as per their thematic issues.
  4. To identify the areas of work and sources of funding.
  5. To know about organizational structure of CSOs.
  6. To understand the challenges being faced by the CSOs.
  7. To know the extent of awareness among CSOs regarding Government Schemes, programmes, policies and Law.
  8. To assess leadership and management qualities among CSOs leaders.
  9. To assess the level of awareness of CSOs on specific issues like health, education,entrepreneurship etc.

Key outputs:

I. Mapping of Civil Society Organisations in Sikkim
II. Assessment of Capacity Needs for the CSOs of Sikkim


August 1 – December 31, 2010


SDC, New Delhi

Cost of the project:

Rs. 19,61,500.00