This project was undertaken to increase awareness among contestants and communities on the key gender discriminatory practices prevalent in the state, i.e., sex selection, child marriage, dowry and violence against women, and enhance their skill to address these issues in their constituencies.


To increase awareness among contestants and community on the key gender discriminatory practices prevalent in the state, i.e., sex selection, child marriage, dowry and violence against women, and enhance their skill to address the issues in their constituencies;
To make special efforts to encourage contestants to take up these gender issues and form them part of their election mandate; and
To document, on the basis of reports of CSOs, the process of campaign and vulnerabilities of women while contesting elections. The document will form the basis of policy document to interface with the State Election Commission (SEC).

Geographical Spread


Key areas/components

Awareness building on gender issues: 

Key outputs


2009 – 2010


United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), New Delhi