This project was undertaken to resolve some of the crucial issues related to overall improvement of organizational functioning. This exercise was seen as a process of self-reflection, consolidation of learning and setting a direction for the future of the organization.


To resolve some of the crucial issues related to overall improvement of organizational functioning. This exercise was seen as a process of self reflection, consolidation of learning and setting a direction for the future of the organization.

Geographical Spread:

Three geographical clusters in Nainital district of Uttar Pradesh: Naukuchiatal area, Sitla/Kasialekh area and Siyalbari area.

Key areas/components:

- Organization: The historical timeline of the organization, external environment & current organizational context of CHIRAG.
- Programmes: The alignment with their philosophy, mechanisms adopted and impact of these programmes. Programmes undertaken by CHIRAG include:
  1. Community health programme
  2. Drinking water
  3. Mother & child
  4. Mahila Shakti
  5. Village development committees
  6. Farming systems

Key outputs:

Year /period:



Central Himalayan Rural Action Group (CHIRAG), Mukteswar, Sitla, Nainital (Uttar Pradesh)