The Next-Gen project is aimed at examining and mapping the available CBR practices in the thematic areas of local asset management, participatory governance, indigenous research methodologies and water management. It envisages the creation of new inter-disciplinary knowledge on CBR and creating a global partnership for more opportunities on CBR in the Global South.

The project is undertaken under the UNESCO Chair for Community-based research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education. The participating institutions are primarily HEIs viz. the Coady International Institute at SFXU, the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability (IRES) at UBC and the Institute for Studies & Innovation in Community-University Engagement at UVic. The only non-Canadian, non-HEI in the partnership is PRIA. The project is being funded by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Govt. of Canada.


The project aims at  mapping the available resources for CBR and at creating new inter-disciplinary knowledge by examining these CBR-training practices

Geographical spread

Canada & India (the project aims at serving a global audience with special reference to the Global South)

Research / Study

The project is a research study on the available opportunities for CBR and the kind of trainings that shall be available to future community-based researchers

Key outputs / Deliverables

The project aims at creating 3 main products:


April 2014 to March 2016


UNESCO Chair for Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education