Many Indian CSOs for decades have been implementing a wide range projects in other developing countries, with resources from INGOs, Foundations, Bilateral and Multilateral agencies. The practical knowledge and skills gained through implementing projects nationally and sub-nationally have been utilised by CSOs in other developing countries with similar development contexts. However, the current official policy and practice do not adequately recognise the existing and potential contributions of Indian CSOs in development cooperation.

In the last decade the volume and diversity of development cooperation has grown substantially. India, so far, has largely relied and engaged government and business to implement its development cooperation in other developing countries. With the change in the government, there has been a shift in focus with the government indicating that this cooperation should continue to grow through technical assistance, training, capacity building, financing, trade, and investment. 

The project seeks to provide significant impetus to India’s development cooperation and by extension, among addressing other issues, it seeks to improve the quality and relevance of work done in the area of empowerment of the poor and marginalised and gender equity. It will generate evidences through documentation and analysis of selected case studies that Indian CSOs with decades of experience can add significant value to India’s development cooperation.

The project will contribute to enhance knowledge on CSO led development cooperation and foster a community of practitioners through regular online engagement. It will engage in policy dialogues with Development Partnership Administration (DPA), Ministry of External Affairs (MoEF), Government of India (GoI) as this agency is responsible for drafting and implementing development cooperation policy of the GoI. It will convene policy dialogues at the sub-national level to nurture a constituency appreciative of CSO engagement and also network with other institutions.


Geographical spread

National. The research focus and advocacy will conducted on a subnational level covering North, South, East and West India.

While the project will focus on work done by Indian CSOs and the advocacy will be focused with India, collaboration from international actors and researchers will also be sought.

Methodology / Key components

  1. Evaluation / Assessment
  2. Research / Study
  3. Advocacy

This project is will document and analyze at least 10 selected case studies focusing on the trans-national projects that Indian CSOs have implemented in recent years. This empirical analysis will then be used to recommend appropriate policies and guidelines for enabling CSO engagement in Indian development cooperation.  

Following the tradition of Participatory Research Methodology the participating organization and project actors will be extensively involved in reflection, documentation and analysis of the case studies. The lessons and findings will be shared with stakeholders electronically (in various formats) and through two subnational consultation and informal meetings.

Key outputs / Deliverables

Quantitative output
Change in official policy approach and practice towards CSO engagement in India’s development cooperation

Qualitative output
Better understanding and awareness regarding CSO engagement in India’s development cooperation among CSOs, DPA and other stakeholders


January-November 2015


Heinrich Boell Foundation, India