Institutional Assessment of Afghan Aid


The objectives of the project were (i) to build human and institutional capacity of Afghan Aid and its partners to facilitate a process of engendered and inclusive social transformation through Afghan Aid’s programmes, capacity development of duty bearers and civil society, and higher level advocacy and policy research work; (ii) to conduct an organisational strategic review of Afghan Aid and recommend actions to steer its efforts and investment of resources to better deliver impact informed by its vision and mission and programme strategy; and (iii) to facilitate Afghan Aid in initiating and nurturing evolution of a networked arrangement of national institutions to lead this work in future in Afghanistan.

+Geographical spread


+Key areas/components
  • Conducting a strategic institutional review of Afghan Aid focusing on governance, management and programmes

  • Facilitating a one-day seminar for representatives from donors and the government on local governance

  • Developing a strategy and methodological framework for institutional and human capacity enhancement at community levels

  • Developing relevant modules and materials for supporting the above capacity requirements

  • Strengthening the capacity of field staff of Afghan Aid with new skills and knowledge to support the processes of local institutional development and promoting good governance in an ongoing manner

  • Augment and deepen the capacity of the senior team of Afghan Aid as learning facilitators for providing better support to field staff

  • Assisting Afghan Aid in evolving relevant learning systems internally, including production of learning materials

  • Developing institutional capacities of local civil society organisations so as to be effective and sustainable

  • Supporting the setting up of a National Resource Centre in Afghanistan through a network of institutions/committed individuals

  • Advocacy on governance processes to create an accountable and enabling environment

+Key outputs
  • One institutional assessment report of Afghan Aid

  • One day seminar on governance successfully conducted and well received by the participants

  • Development of a position paper on governance

  • A detailed plan for capability enhancement

  • One master Training of Trainers (TOT) for selected staff of Afghan Aid

  • Facilitated three TOTs at three provincial headquarters for community development facilitators

  • Provided tool for capacity building needs assessment of CBOs promoted by Afghan Aid

  • Developed a draft training manual for field staff in English

  • A refresher workshop for trainers of the master TOT and provincial TOTs




Afghan Aid