Facilitating the Formation and Strengthening of Area Sabhas and Ward Sabhas in Selected JNNURM Cities


There has been more acceptance and impact of social accountability initiatives and citizen participation in rural governance institutions in India in comparison to urban local governance institutions. Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) tend to be more rigid and fraught with multiple issues in adopting mechanisms that would enhance their accountability towards people. Equally, there is absence of spaces or platforms for people’s participation, like a counterpart of gram sabhas or village councils/meetings that have existed historically in rural India.

Under this project, PRIA supported 6 ULBs of selected JNNURM cities to institutionalise social accountability mechanisms and strengthened area and ward sabhas in the selected cities.

+ Objectives

To establish models of area sabhas and ward sabhas in the selected cities as suggested in the Model Community Participation Law.

+Geographical spread

Jaipur (Rajasthan), Raipur (Chhattisgarh), Ranchi (Jharkhand), Patna (Bihar), Shimla (Himachal Pradesh) and Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh)

+Key components
  • Facilitate people to organize themselves and conduct regular area sabhas at least once or twice every month in two selected wards of the cities.

  • Citizen leaders were facilitated to carry out these meetings on their own and engage the youth and women effectively.

  • Orientation of citizen leaders and ward councillors on the Community Participation Law and the 74th Amendment; importance of community mobilization and people’s participation; and importance of involving women in the local development process

  • Mobilising citizens at the (sub) ward level on various development issues

  • Orientation of municipal officials on Community Participation Law

+Key outputs
  • Area sabhas and ward sabhas were formed in at least two wards of all intervened municipalities

  • Area sabhas and ward sabhas conducted their meetings regularly and also monitored the performance of municipalities

  • The people of the two select wards in all three cities have gone through a gradual process of getting empowered and local CBOs and the ULBs have realized the importance of enabling participation and listening to people’s voices.




Water and Sanitation Programme