Evaluation of Citizens Against Corruption Programme


Citizens Against Corruption (CAC) is a grant management programme implemented by Public Affairs Centre (PAC) and Partnership for Transparency Fund (PTF). PTF, which was originally funded by DFID’s Governance and Transparency Fund (GTF), aimed to support initiatives by CSOs in South Asia that stimulate, capacitate and facilitate citizens to fight against corruption. On request of PTF, a Project Completion Assessment (PCA) was undertaken by PRIA in three different phases to assess the project performance and results subsequent to the closure of the projects.


The objectives of the independent Project Completion Assessment were to assess:

  1. the degree to which the project achieved, or was likely to achieve, all or most of its objectives;

  2. the implementation performance and contributions of the activities and outputs to the planned results; and

  3. the results achieved and disseminated.

+Geographical spread

Karnataka, Kerala, Odisha, Rajasthan and Uttarakhand

+Key areas/components
  • Constructing an evaluation design and tool for collecting and collating data in response to the evaluation objectives and questions

  • Review of secondary literatures like project contracts and plans, management reports, monitoring reports, progress reports, etc.

  • Collecting data from the project sites through field visits, interviews with key stakeholders including project implementing agencies, communities, government officials, local government elected representatives, and so on

  • Preparation of individual Project Completion Assessment reports and synthesis reports

+Key outputs
  • 5 independent Project Completion Assessment reports and one synthesis report in Phase 1

  • 7 independent Project Completion Assessment reports and one synthesis report in Phase 2 (including the findings from Phase 1)

  • 11 independent Project Completion Assessment reports and one synthesis report in Phase 3 (including the findings from Phases 1 and 2)

  • The synthesis reports analysed the processes, scores against various pre-defined parameters, results, impacts, suggestions and overall conclusions


Phase 1 and Phase 2: 2010-11

Phase 3: 2012-13


Partnership for Transparency Fund, USA