Designing Governance Structures and Processes of HomeNet South Asia


HomeNet South Asia (HNSA) is a network of home-based workers’ organisations from five South Asian countries – Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. It was established in 2000 with support from SEWA and UNIFEM. HNSA evolved as a focal point and the collective voice of home-based workers in the region. The strength of HNSA lies in its grassroots membership and the technical support it extends to its members. It carries the voice of home-based workers at national, regional and international levels to influence legislation, policies, plans and programmes.

  • To suggest the most appropriate structure and composition for HNSA as a membership based organisation and consequently the legal options for incorporation of a membership based HNSA

  • To propose possible linkages and accountability mechanisms to be built into the legal framework so that existing incorporation and the new ones and/or other national organisations act in synergy

  • To examine whether a country/national HomeNet is an appropriate and required organisation

  • To define the structure of the country HomeNets and the nature of organisational relationship between national HomeNets and HNSA

+Geographical spread

Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka

+Key areas/components
  • Review of the available documents on legal, fiscal, programmes and associated institutional processes

  • Conducting interviews with the national experts/professionals

  • Assessment of HNSA organisational structures through interviews with key leadership of HNSA, national HomeNets and other stakeholders

  • Preparing a single report to HNSA covering all the objectives

+Key outputs
  • A sharing workshop with the members of HNSA from five South Asian countries

  • Report on “HomeNet South Asia: Future Governance Structure and Mechanisms”




HomeNet South Asia