This plan was to generate a common development perspective of the district that reflects the thinking of diverse stakeholders and to work out an inspiring goal for overall development of the area.


  1. The broad objectives behind the preparation of vision document are:
  2. To generate a common development perspective of the district that reflects the thinking of diverse stakeholders.
  3. To work out an inspiring goal for overall development of the area.
  4. To envisage and incorporate roles of women and disadvantaged groups in the mainstream development.
  5. To foresee needs and level of human and infrastructure development as it emerges from collective wisdom for achieving goals.
  6. To motivate people of the area and gear up all segments of population for facing the challenges, difficulties and bottlenecks to realize their cherished common goals.
  7. To act as a goal post towards which the entire planning process should be oriented.
  8. To help people of the area in developing more realistic, objective oriented, and executable five year and annual plans.
  9. Enhancement of agriculture and allied sectors productivity in a sustainable manner.
  10. Restoration of ecological balance in the degraded and fragile rainfed ecosystem.
  11. Reduction of disparity between irrigated and rainfed areas
  12. Creation of sustained employment opportunity for the rural people, including the landless
  13. Development and sustainable management of natural resources including land reforms
  14. To encourage people’s participation which will help in generating the feeling of ownership in the participatory development of the district / block / GP
  15. To draw specific guidelines offering flexibility for the choice of technology to enable the farmers for adoption of location specific and low cost technology

Geographical Spread:

12 Blocks of Durg District

Key areas/components:

Key outputs:

Submission of Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan (CDAP)


April 2008 to November 2008 (Extended upto January 2009)


Department Of Agriculture, District- Durg, Chhattisgarh