Forum Syd has been exploring new partnerships in India (through its Swedish partners) to work on the issue of environmental and climate change. One of the major components of this partnership with Forum Syd is that organisations, who would receive financial support through its Swedish partners, would undergo training on Right(s) Way Forward.

In this direction, Forum Syd organised a ToT for PRIA and one other organisation so that they could, in turn, facilitate such trainings for those organisations who have been receiving support from Swedish partners of Forum Syd.
PRIA and Forum Syd have entered into a collaboration to provide these trainings to organisations suggested by Forum Syd and/or their India based Swedish partners.

Under this collaboration, PRIA will facilitate trainings as per guidelines, design and content provided by Forum Syd. PRIA’s decades of experience in undertaking participatory trainings will be applied to modify the design to suit the learning needs of participants based on their capacity, understanding and replicability of the processes in their respective communities.

Facilitation of training on RWF and report on the same to Forum Syd and its Swedish partner, Adoptionscentrum (AC).

PRIA facilitated a five-day training for employees and community based members of Open Learning Systems (OLS), Bhubaneswar. The primary objective of the training was to capacitate OLS to work on environment and climate change issues in 2016.

The training was organised in Nimapara block of Puri district. A total of 20 participants (five women and 15 men) attended the training. The group consisted of two ward members, one sarpanch, two SHG members, three community volunteers, and 12 field staff (working on community based rehabilitation). One main field programme coordinator of OLS and an Adoptionscentrum (AC) representative also observed the training.

Understanding was built around the issue of climate change in the training. At the end of training programme, the participants were able to prepare a Community Action Plan.

December 2015

Forum Syd, Sweden