Action Research on Implemention of PESA and Issues of Water Management in Chhattisgarh

Rural areas, especially in the Schedule V (tribal) areas of Chhattisgarh suffer from a number of problems related to access to regular and clean drinking water. Lack of water for farming is another dominant problem faced by the tribal communities. To ensure access to water, active participation of the community in managing water resources, especially drinking water and irrigation resources, becomes important. Within the context of Schedule V tribal areas it is thus essential that the gram sabha is actively involved in the management of water resources.  The Panchayats (Extension to Scheduled Areas) Act, 1996 (also known as PESA, 1996) promotes people-centric governance and provides a central role to the gram sabha. With relation to management of water, Section 4 (j) states that planning and management of minor water bodies in the Scheduled Areas shall be entrusted to the panchayats at the appropriate level. This lack of implementation of provisions of PESA, 1996 has led to the strengthening of state control over common natural resources and weakening of people’s customary rights.

+Project Updates
  • Developing vision documents and annual plans on drinking water and irrigation in 5 panchayats of Korba district, and ensuring its implementation with active participation of the gram sabha and panchayats.

  • Facilitating awareness generation among the tribal community of the 4 PESA districts about the significance of PESA provisions and participation of gram sabhas and panchayats for effectively meeting the drinking water and irrigation needs of rural tribal communities.

  • Capturing the views and perspectives of various stakeholders on an effective governance system for management of water and developing ways forward in light of their constructive views and suggestions.

  • Sensitising, engaging and influencing government departments and the private sector at the district and state levels on the significance of PESA provisions and participation of gram sabhas and panchayats in the management of water resources.

+Geographical spread

In the first year the project was implemented in Korba district in Chhattisgarh, which is a PESA district. The five panchayats covered in Korba block were Jambhar, Sonpuri, Chuhiya, Songurha and Dondhru. In the second year, the project was undertaken in three additional districts– Sarguja district (Division Sarguja), Rajnandgaon district (Division Raipur) and Kanker district (Division Bastar). These districts too are PESA districts and represent all the four divisions of Chhattisgarh.

+Key components

Developing vision documents and annual plans on drinking water and irrigation in five panchayats of Korba district: During the first year of the project period, 5-year vision documents and annual plans on drinking water and irrigation were prepared in the five intervening panchayats with very active participation of gram sabha members, panchayat representatives and support from the Technical Support Group (comprising representatives from different line departments related to water service provision). These 5 annual plans were approved by the gram sabha and the respective panchayats before being submitted to the janpad panchayat, Korba block for implementation and inclusion in the district level plan.

District Consultation on Water Management at Korba: The details of the panchayat visioning and annual plan development process and the emerging issues related to water of the 5 panchayats were shared in a district consultation organised in collaboration with the district panchayat. A vision and strategy for effective water management for Korba district was undertaken jointly with active participation of government officials, elected representatives, and private sector and CSO representatives .

Perception study on PESA implementation in Korba district: A short study was also undertaken to assess perceptions of important stakeholders on the current status of implementation of PESA provisions, with specific reference to gram sabha ownership of water resources (drinking and irrigation water) and strategies to ensure greater gram sabha ownership and management of water resources.

Documenting best practice cases of community based water management in Schedule V areas: These cases were documented across 3 districts of Chhattisgarh whereby management of water bodies (especially drinking water and irrigation) have been effectively done by tribal communities through their traditional community based structures.

State consultation on effective management of water through strengthened local governance in Scheduled Areas of Chhattisgarh: The key objective of this consultation held in Raipur, was to share the experiences of the action research undertaken in Korba district and explore strategies for effective water management in the Scheduled Areas of Chhattisgarh through strengthened local governance systems. It saw the active participation of government officials, panchayat and CSO representatives.

District grassroots awareness generation campaign on PESA and effective management of water sources in 4 districts: The Chhattisgarh Water Centered PESA Awareness Campaign (a joint initiative of PRIA, Arghyam, Social Revival Group of Urban Rural and Tribal–SROUT, DISHA Samaj Sevi Sanstha , Path Pradarshak and Jankalyan Samajik Sansthan) was designed to assist not only in generating awareness about PESA provisions but also raising the voice of gram sabha members of tribal villages to demand their right to approve of plans, programmes and projects, especially those related to water and planning and management of minor water bodies. The campaign was held during April-June 2013, and covered 40 panchayats across 70 villages from 8 blocks.

Study on implementation of PESA and gram sabha involvement in water management in 3 districts: The study aimed to help substantiate the findings of the study undertaken in Korba district in the first year of the project, thus providing a more views of stakeholder perceptions from the PESA districts. A citizen survey was designed and undertaken as part of the study. The data collection process was undetaken during the grassroots campaign.

District level consultations and political campaign on PESA and gram sabha participation in water management: One district level multi stakeholder dialogue with relevant line departments, elected representatives ,CSOs, corporate, academia and media was organized across the three districts of Sarguja, Rajnandgaon and Kanker. Representatives from adjoining districts were also invited to attend; thus the consultations covered representatives from all 12 districts of Chhattisgarh. The findings of the grassroots campaign on the status of gram sabha participation and water issues were shared during the dialogues, and strategies to address these issues discussed. In the run up to the Chhattisgarh Assembly elections, a campaign to influence the political parties’ mandate on PESA and water management issues was launched, and a citizen’s charter of demands developed on the issue of PESA implementation and gram sabha participation in water management interventions.

Action Research intervention in Korba district to implement the action plans of the 5 intervening panchayats on water management: This action research intervention is to ensure implementation of the 5 panchayat plans on water management in Korba district. Interface meetings and consultations between panchayats, line departments and industry were undertaken to get the activities planned by the panchayats implemented. Of the planned work of Rs 4,14,29,000 across the 5 intensive panchayats, Rs 1,29,07,000 has already been sanctioned in June 2013, and work on the same begun. Strengthening institutional structures of the intervening panchayats to work on water issues was initiated. This includes ensuring monthly panchayat meetings, disclosure of information by wall writing, and training of the members of the education, health & social welfare standing committees. Gram sabha participation in operation and maintenance of water structures was strengthened by involving women and youth groups in the maintenance of existing water structures and by building linkages between the panchayats and these community groups to maintain the water structures.

+Key outputs
  • Development of vision documents and annual plans on drinking water and irrigation in 5 panchayats of Korba district.

  • Process documentation of implementation of action plans of the 5 intervening panchayats on water management (building from intensive action research interaction in 5 panchayats). 

  • Report on citizens’ voices on gram sabha and water management issues (building from grassroots campaign in 40 panchayats across 4 PESA districts). 

  • Report on voices of government, private sector and civil society on PESA and gram sabha participation in water management (building from district and state consultations with multi stakeholders).

  • Study report on PESA and gram sabha involvement in water management in 4 districts.

  • Best practice cases on community based water management.


December 2011-December 2013


Arghyam, India