In Association with

Institutional Development of the State Finance Commissions in India; A Balance Sheet of 25 Years

It is a detailed study of status of PRIs and State Finance Commissions in India at this present scenario, especially in the context of 25th year of Panchayati Raj.

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Strengthening PRIs in India

This document highlighting the programmatic work of PRIA in strengthening institutions of Panchayati Raj and Municipal bodies to contribute effective institutions of local self-governance.

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Women’s Leadership in Panchayati Raj Institutions

This study which was conducted in six states viz. Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Kerala, Maharashtra, Odisha and Uttar Pradesh with the objective of exploring the role of women within PRIs and their growth as political leaders.

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Swachhta ki aur Badhate Kadam

ये पुस्तिका छत्तीसगढ़ में स्वच्छता के लिए किये गये प्रयासों और उनसे जो सीख मिली उनका संग्रह है.

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Training Manual on Community Based Detailed Project Reports (Hindi)

ये मैन्युअल झारखण्ड के साहिबगंज ज़िले के 6 आर्सेनिक प्रभावित ग्राम पंचायतों में वेकेंद्रिक्रत पेयजल सुरक्षा परियोजना से मिली सीखों पर आधारित है

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