15-Mar-2014 to 15-Mar-2014
PRIA, New Delhi
Sub National

In today’s landscape of changing gender roles and responsibilities, many stereotypes still remain unquestioned; and workplaces as microcosms of society often reflect the inequalities in our society. PRIA’s experience of working on issues of gender and the workplace has led to the realisation that increased and continued participation of women is only viable if there exists a conducive and enabling environment for both women and men.

In the month of March, PRIA organised two separate workshops on

  1. sex and sexuality for female staff and field based animators
  2. masculinity for all PRIA staff, as well as students of IGNOU enrolled in the Master’s of Women and Gender Studies

The objective of these two workshops was to build a deeper understanding on issues of gender, deconstruct existing stereotypes and forge new paths in moving towards a more egalitarian society.

The workshops helped each participant understand how multi-layered realities and complexities of gender are deeply and intrinsically embedded in issues of sexuality and impacts on the ways that e perceive masculinities and femininities, both in our personal as well as professional lives.

The unique blend of students – PRIA staff as well as field level animators – provided a wonderful opportunity to hear the views, experiences and reflections of such a diverse group. The participatory approaches used by the facilitators helped in the sharing of personal stories – some of them emotional and poignant – creating a deep and rich learning process.