12-Apr-2013 to 17-Apr-2013
Dumka and Jamtara, Jharkhand
Sub National

PRIA has been conducting a participatory research, supported by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India, to facilitate a critical analysis of multiple vulnerabilities of tribal women in areas of unrest in Dumka and Jamtara districts of Jharkhand. The analysis includes how the unrest affects the lives of tribal women, especially in accessing health services for themselves and their family, education services for their children in 6-14 years of age group and other welfare services provided by the government; the barriers in accessing health services; and suggestions for ensuring more effective access to all the services.

Over the past 6 months, PRIA has conducted field work with tribal women as partners in 10 villages across two blocks of Jamtara and Dumka districts. The use of participatory research methodologies such as focused group discussion and  semi-structured interviews, community mapping, venn diagram and transect walks has facilitated the active participation of these tribal women in the data collection and analysis process. Apart from village level data collection, block level and district level officials' views and concerns regarding the execution and implementation of health, education and entitlement related services have also been captured. 


Venn Diagram (left) and Community Map (top) prepared by the tribal women participatory researchers


Between 12 and 17 April 2013, the PRIA project team will travel to Dumka and Jamtara to share the draft findings of the research with the community and government officials and get their feedback. The visit is also expected to help discuss joint follow-up of this research with the tribal women partners.