06-Apr-2018 to 06-Apr-2018
PRIA, New Delhi

It was a nice experience to listen to the learnings shared by three young interns from Kazi Nazrul University, Asansol and two interns from Jamia Milia Islamia, Delhi

Ms. Sarmi Chakraborty,  Ms. Puja Chowdhury and Ms. Mili Das from Kazi Nazrul University, Asansol described their one month journey in PRIA -- their experience of working in the Knowledge Management Centre learning about PRIA’s work over 36 years through documents in the Library. They learnt new things about the current knowledge management and library system during this era of digital technology such as updating Libsys database and creating an annotated bibliography on different topics. They also got a chance to visit the field, and see how the theory they learn in the classroom plays out in the field.


Ms. Fiza Saghir and Ms. Aiman Khalid from Delhi’s Jamia Millia Islamia University spent a longer duration internship at PRIA. Spread over 6 months, they came to office twice a week. During their internship they saw the practice of participatory research among domestic workers, undertook analytical work on RTI findings related to sexual harassment at workplace, and learnt advocacy and campaigning tools. They went back better informed of the roles of social workers. The heart-warming story of a domestic worker's struggle to overcome the odds taught them that while social workers cannot solve all problems, they can certainly empower those who are disadvantaged and marginalised, enabling them to take control of their own lives.