03-Apr-2020 to 03-Apr-2020
New Delhi

Migrants, daily wage workers, labourers, living in high density areas are facing the brunt of the lockdown imposed in India due to Covid-19. In the webinar organised by PRIA International Academy (PIA) on 3 April 2020 on ‘Impact of Covid-19 Lockdown on Urban Informals in India’, the feasibility of social distancing in informal settlements, delivery of relief assistance and services to migrant workers and informal sector workers left without an income due to lockdown, and the need for CSOs and governments to collaborate to tackle the Covid-19 crisis was discussed.

The key messages emerged from the discussion as follows:

The Webinar was moderated by Dr Kaustuv Kanti Bandyopadhyay, Director, PRIA International Academy.

The panellists for the webinar included:

Commenter: Dr Rajesh Tandon, Founder-President, Society for Participatory Research in Asia, New Delhi

Read the full report of the webinar here.

Watch the webinar recording here.