11-Apr-2020 to 11-Apr-2020
Time: 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

Webinar: Gender Impacts of COVID-19: Prevention and Mitigation

The devastating effects of the Novel Coronavirus (nCoV2019) outbreak have been felt across the world. While impartial in its devastation of Global Health, it has had a disproportionate impact on the socio-economically vulnerable, owing largely to the unprecedented emergency measures that have been put in place to contain it. The burden is perhaps the heaviest on single women and widows, sanitation workers, domestic workers, sex workers, daily wage earners, the homeless, the incarcerated, disabled people, women and girls in urban informal settlements, and those situated outside the Public Distribution System (PDS).

The COVID Crisis is a multi-dimensional one. There is an urgent need to influence gender sensitive State Policies and build evidence on the growing gender divide in the face of COVID19 management.

In this background, PRIA International Academy (PIA) co-convened a webinar on “Gender Impacts of COVID-19: Prevention and Mitigation” with Martha Farrell Foundation on April 11, 2020.

The key messages emerged from the discussion as follows:


The panellists for the webinar included:


Read the full report of the webinar here.