07-Jun-2010 to 11-Jun-2010

Present and former collaborators of the Citizenship Development Research Centre (DRC) gathered on the shores of Italy’s Lake Como for a week-long workshop at the Bellagio Centre on the shores of Italy's Lake Como to discuss and reflect on the network's way of working. This was part of the Citizenship DRC's final efforts to synthesise and distill lessons from the last ten years of work.

The workshop aimed at generating a series of outputs focused on particular aspects of the the Citizenship DRC's way of working, including: methodological choices and researchers' positionality, knowledge and influence in the research process and the iterative process of research and the collaborative culture of the Citizenship DRC as a network.

Dr Mandakini Pant, Senior Manager, PRIA participated in the workshop to meet with the Teaching & Learning Citizenship group and gain insights on evolution of methods, methodological choices, iterative process of working/culture of DRC as a network, forms of knowledge generated and communication of learning.