15-Mar-2022 to 15-Mar-2022

In collaboration with the WASH Institute, PRIA conducted a participatory research study involving communities and key stakeholders in selected cities in Maharashtra. Using an open-ended approach, the study explored the needs and aspirations of low-income urban communities. Through the study, members of the community were encouraged to express their needs, aspirations, and the associated institutions as they prioritized.

To study these settlements, two of our colleagues went to Wai last week to collect data using participatory research methods with nomads living in low-income settlements. We covered the settlements of Siddhanth Wadi, Kashi Kapdi and Mauli Nagar. Through methods such as, historical timeline mapping, transect walk, social and resource mapping, arts-based methods, we identified many gaps in the service delivery of WASH facilities, housing and shelter, girls', and women's access to public spaces, education opportunities and health security. Many adolescent girls shared their aspirations for themselves. It varied along the lines of becoming fashion designer, IPS officer, engineer, pharmacist, private company workers or simply being able to ride scooter and wear pants freely. The data collection activities also revealed the changing aspirations of the younger generation of the families who have traditionally done caste-based labor. In the coming weeks, we are going to explore how the respective government officers in Maharashtra be held more responsible for improving the service delivery across sectors.