12-Feb-2019 to 12-Feb-2019
PRIA, New Delhi
A delegation comprising of Deans of Social Science, Engineering & Science, along with Coordinator of Global Engagement, from University of Victoria Canada visited PRIA on 12 February 2019. The occasion helped renew old ties and discuss possibilities for collaboration in research and course offerings. 

PRIA and University of Victoria have a long partnership which stretches back more than 15 years. In 2002, Dr Budd Hall, currently UNESCO Co-Chair in Community Based Research at University of Victoria, laid the foundations of this decade-long partnership between PRIA and University of Victoria. Since then, the collaboration has resulted in co-development of courses on partcipatory research, participatory monitoring and evaluation, and adult education; research partnership on women's political empowerment and leadership; and an immerson program for students from different departments as interns to PRIA. 

Dr Rajesh Tandon, Founder-President, PRIA was Chair of the external advisory committee at the Office of Community Based Research at the University of Victoria in 2006 and in 2008 was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Laws Degree by the University.