13-Aug-2021 to 14-Aug-2021
PRIA, New Delhi

A Visioning Workshop was organized at PRIA on 13th-14th August, 2021 for 28 adolescents from the five informal settlements of Gurugram – Sikanderpur, Chakkarpur, Ghata, Nathupur, Harijan Basti. The purpose of conducting the visioning exercise was to make the adolescents create an agenda to design their own friendly health systems from their own perspective. The workshop was organised as part of the Our Health Our Voice action research project.

The workshop started with the adolescents introducing themselves, followed by the facilitator, Mr. Anshuman Karol, discussing the theme ‘HAMARA SWASTHYA, HAMARI AAWAZ’. He asked the adolescents to write a word which comes in their mind about the term ‘health’. The adolescents gave many interesting responses like, no smoking and drinking, doing yoga, personal health and hygiene etc. This exercise was done so as to identify the adolescent’s perspective on health and to identify the reasons behind the poor health seeking behavior of adolescents.

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The facilitator gave information on the ‘Adolescent Friendly Health Clinics’ (Kishori Mitr Swasthya Seva, or AFHCs) and advised the children to visit and use the facilities available there. Then he discussed the six Programme Priorities (Karyakram Prathamiktayein) of AFHCs, which are –

He also discussed about Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram (RKSK), focusing on the health promotion approach to the adolescents with special focus on marginalized and undeserved groups.

Dr. Rajesh Tandon visited and shared his experiences of kite flying and also urged the youths to go and dialogue with the elder members of their family and community about the various services of the health centres and to play a responsible role in the society by sharing the information to other people who’ve never had these privileges.

Akash, the sports coach, conducted a physical activity on Day 1. The children were divided into two groups and they were given the responsibility of accessing the medical facilities of their community.  The teams were given a football each and they were required to take the football to different medical facilities like clinics, hospitals etc. The team reaching back at first was announced the winner. The children actively participated in the game and they seem to enjoy it. Akash also gave them a talk on personal health and hygiene and advised them to keep themselves and their surroundings clean.

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On the morning of the 2nd Day after a healthy breakfast, the children were briefed on the nutritional facts of the food they had just eaten. The menu consisted of –

Two different group assignments were organised for the adolescents.

1. Adolescents were divided into three groups and they were told identify the reasons that prevent them from seeking their health advise.

The first group were to discuss on the topic of good diet and sexual and reproductive health and they presented a skit on it describing a doctors’ talk on menstruation and having a good nutritional diet.

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The second group were to discuss on the topic of health and substance-free lifestyle and they presented their ideas through a drawing on a chart paper and described to the children the consequences of their actions.

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The third group were given the topic of non-violence free lifestyle and mental health and physical well-being and the children staged a skit on the topic.

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  1. In the second activity, the adolescents were again divided into two groups and were asked to share their own experiences of visiting the Adolescent Friendly Health Clinic (AFHC) in their communities and were required to give ideas of how an AFHC should be through a diagram or an illustration in the ground using rangolis.  

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