08-Mar-2016 to 08-Mar-2016
Muzaffarpur, Bihar
A panel discussion on “Violence Against Women and Role of Youth” was held to celebrate International Women’s Day in Muzaffarpur. The event, organised by PRIA-Muzaffarpur was held at MSKB College.

The discussion was chaired by Ms. Lalita Ramdas, PRIA Governing Board Member. Other panellists included
Dr. Nirmala Singh, Principal, MSKB College; Dr. Taran Rai, Mahamanti, BJP, Muzaffarpur; Dr. Vandana Vijay Lakshmi, Director, Adult Education, Muzaffarpur; Prof Manindra Kumar from MSKB College; and Dr Virendra Kumar, NSS Coordinator, B R A Bihar University, Muzaffarpur.

A number of NGOs and youth leaders of political parties, social activists and youth from different institutions, including youth involved in Kadam Badhate Chalo, participated in the event. The youth were energised and vocal in sharing their experiences and raising questions on kinds of violence against women and girls, seeking answers from the panelists on the issue.