27-Jul-2020 to 28-Jul-2020
An online training comprising of 8 hours of online classes, 1.5 hours of video content and 2 hours worth of reading materials on the topic 'Participatory Planning and Local Governance Institutions' for 37 participants from the TATA Trust teams from Rajasthan and the North-East of India. 

The online learning took place through four 2-hour sessions, covering topics including participatory planning through Gram Panchayat Development Plan – Framework and Steps, the role of LGIs/ PRIs in localising Sustainable Development Goals, participation and social accountability mechanisms in PRIs/LGIs, the role of PRIs/LGIs in the government’s Covid-19 response programmes and schemes and more. The participants were also encouraged to reflect on their work and prepare a plan for alligning the work with PRIs/LGIs through the following questions:
  1. Identify the areas (issue/theme/sector) of your work.
  2. What will be your strategy to align your line(s) of work with the priorities of PRIs?
  3. How would you involve Gram Sabha in the implementation of your strategies?
  4. What additional support you may need to implement these strategies effectively?
  5. And most important, which SDGs and SDG Indicators you are influencing?
Participatory training methods such as group work, arts-based methods, group assignments at the end of the day, expectations and evaluation of training programme using google forms, and use of AVs and presentations during the lectures were used to ensure participants were able to grasp the concepts well.

One participant said, "I liked the facilitation of the workshop and delivery of training in a simplified manner. The training sessions were engaging and made participatory for all of us". Another shared, "The session on linking SDGs to the local context and vision building was very useful".

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