02-Apr-2014 to 09-Apr-2014

Selected PRIA staffs from the head office as well as field offices are going to attend an 8 day residential Training of Trainers program, jointly organized by PRIA and SSK, Lucknow. The program is a capacity building activity restricted for the staff of PRIA, SSK, Samarthan, Unnati and other partners of PRIA and SSK.

In a societal and organizational development processes training have acquired the vanguard tools for proper percolation of concepts, approaches, techniques and general conduct of ways to the intended beneficiaries either be it staff of an organization, community, individual or group. Training of Trainers is a powerful tool to enhance the capabilities of people who design and deliver trainings at different levels and context.

The greatest inhibiting factor for organizations to outsource trainer is its high cost. Although it is wise to outsource training expertise in some areas, others requiring tight internal control are better handled in house. But it requires lot of skills to be a good trainer. Being good at subject does not signify you are a good trainer, and hence it does not ensure proper transfer of knowledge, skill etc to the intended target.

In order to address these issues SSK has developed a comprehensive TOT program for new as well as experienced trainers based on participatory principles for effective learning.

PRIA/SSK has a long standing experience of organizing TOT on Participatory Training for Trainers since 1991. The training would be facilitated by some of the most experienced and senior trainers including PRIA President Dr. Rajesh Tandon among others.

The program was held from 2nd to 9th April in SST Training Center Lucknow.