22-May-2013 to 22-May-2013
SROUT, Korba, Chhattisgarh
Sub National
PRIA, supported by Arghyam and in collaboration with partner organizations, is pursuing an action research on implementation of the provisions of the Panchayat Extension to Schedule Areas (PESA) Act, focusing on the issue of water in Chhattisgarh. With the objective of strengthening panchayat standing committees around the issue, a one day training workshop was organized on 22 May 2013 along with SROUT, the partner organization in Korba district. Thirty members of the Health, Education & Social Welfare Committee and Sarpanchs from five panchayats in Korba district (Sonpuri, Songudha, Chuiya, Jambahar and Dondaro) participated in the workshop. Government officials from the Panchayat Department and Watershed Cell of the Zila Panchayat participated as resource persons in the training. The participants were oriented on the historical background of the 73rd Constitutional Amendment and the role of panchayats and gram sabhas in the development of a village/panchayat. A film on panchayats was shown.
Mr. Banjare from the Panchayat Department, Korba in his presentation focused on the roles and responsibilities of standing committee members. Mr. Dinesh Tiwari from the Watershed Cell of Zila Panchayat, Korba explained the importance of water in life and how panchayats can achieve better water management. He also shared technical information related to different water schemes. Ms. Nivedita Mani from Arghyam, Bangalore shared their experience of working with gram panchayats and water related issues in different states focusing on some good practices, such as matka filter and rain water harvesting