25-Apr-2018 to 25-Apr-2018
Teen Murti Bhavan, New Delhi

Most Promising Individual
Nadiya Shafi

Srinagar, Jammu&Kashmir
Community Correspondent, Video Volunteers

Armed with her camera and an urge to tell hidden stories, Nadiya Shafi, a video reporter is defying social norms in her conflict ridden home state of Jammu and Kashmir. For the last seven years, she has been bringing out stories of Kashmiri women, whose lives have been marred by the armed conflict and a patriarchal society. These stories, which are often ignored by the national and local media, are now giving voice to the unseen and unheard women of Kashmir. She was also the first one to uncover the violence faced by Transgender people in Kashmir. Today, she is leading gender discussion clubs in Srinagar to enable a safe space for students, labourers, farmers, housewives and artisans to discuss issues related to gender, sexuality and religion.

Like Martha, Nadiya has shown indomitable courage and commitment to work for women’s empowerment and gender equality. Her work and fearlessness will ease the path for the coming generation of strong and independent women in Jammu and Kashmir.

To know more about Nadiya, click:

Best Organisation for Gender Equality
Resource and Support Centre for Development (RSCD)
Mumbai, Maharashtra

RSCD was founded in 1994, as a network campaign promoting a vision of a society where equal and appropriate opportunities are ensured for all. In the year 2000, they initiated the Mahilla Rajsatta Andolan (MRA), which is a state-wide campaign for women in governance in Maharashtra. Within a span of 17 years, this campaign has successfully pushed for several policy changes to strengthen women’s participation and leadership in the Panchayati Raj. Currently, RSCD is working in 30 districts of Maharashtra, with a regional network of over 150 CSOs and with over 3000 elected women representatives.

The senior leadership and district teams of RSCD comprise only women. They also provide for special platforms, forums and workshops, where they train male sarpanches and panches on various aspects of gender and governance. RSCD encourages all its employees and members to make their personal lives a part of their political and professional lives and transform the gendered status quo within their families, communities and workplaces.
RSCD’s work reflects Martha’s commitment to gender mainstreaming within organizations and re-iterates that the ‘Personal is the Political’.

To know more about RSCD, click: