05-Dec-2016 to 05-Dec-2016
London, UK

Dr Rajesh Tandon, Founder-President, PRIA gave a talk on Civil Society and Governance in Contemporary India: What issues? What challenges? What opportunities? on 5 December 2016 in London. The talk was organised by All We Can, a pioneering international development, relief and advocacy organisation that believes in the power of partnership. 20 participants attended the talk.

Over the past few years, civil society in India is increasingly adding their voice to public policy discourse and monitoring of government performance in a number of areas. In particular, members of civil society have been more and more active in exploring issues about citizenship, legitimacy of state institutions, ability of the state to implement policies and participation of the common people in decision-making processes. The potential and impact for civil society in affecting the state and citizens’ lives is beginning to be recognised. At the same time, it is also being realised that governance is not the sole responsibility of the government.

Dr. Rajesh Tandon shared his experience working with civil society and local government institutions on public participation in influencing decision making, government transparency and accountability, particularly in North Indian States. Dr. Tandon reflected on how alternative approaches to governance can enhance livelihoods among disadvantaged peoples, especially women, illustrating his presentation with accounts from some of the organisations that PRIA seeks to empower on a day to day basis. Further, he shared some of the challenges associated with civil society increasingly adding their voice to public policy discourse and monitoring of government performance and some of the strategies that have been used to address them.