30-Jan-2024 to 30-Jan-2024

Mr. Lewis Hou, the Founder-Director of Science Ceilidh, based in Scotland, visited PRIA on January 30, 2024. He delivered a captivating presentation titled 'Community-Led Research: Insights from Scotland's Highlands and Islands', which delved into the evolving insights and ongoing initiatives spearheaded by Mr. Hou, who leads participatory grant programs aimed at empowering communities to drive research collaborations. These initiatives focus on delving into mental well-being (The Ideas Fund), addressing climate change (Highlands and Islands Community Climate Change Community Fund), and fostering youth engagement (Curiosity In Action).

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Hailing from Scotland, Mr. Hou shared his organisation's deeply ingrained approach to working with rural communities, particularly those traditionally overlooked in research endeavors. Additionally, he shed light on the strategic endeavors of Community Knowledge Matters, a new network dedicated to advocating for systemic changes in research, innovation, and policy.