16-Nov-2015 to 16-Nov-2015
Sunderkera Gram Panchayat, Chhattisgarh
Villagers of Sunderkera Gram Panchayat, under the progressive leadership of their panchayat representatives, are willing to make their area clean and open defecation free (ODF). They took an oath to contribute in this drive during the training programme organised by PRIA on 16 November 2015. The programme, organised under the project ‘Promotion of Effective District Planning Committees on WASH in Chhattisgarh’ (supported by Water Aid) helped develop capacities of elected representatives of Sunderkera Gram Panchayat to prepare Village Sanitation Plans under Swachch Bharat Mission. Secretary, Gram Panchayat, anganwadi workers, mitanins, multi-purpose health workers, tax inspectors and preraks were among the 67 participants who attended.
“We are ready to support the planning process,” says Sushila Sahui, Sarpanch, Sunderkera. “Our village will give full time and do what is required to draft the Village Sanitation Plan.” She also asked officials of other departments (health, education, ICDS, rural development, agriculture, etc.) to provide data and information so that an effective plan could be prepared.
The day-long programme made participants aware of Swachch Bharat Mission and its key objectives. They were also informed of the three major steps, i.e., planning, implementation and ensuring sustainability that their village can take to fulfil Swachch Bharat Mission objectives. Steps related to participatory planning were discussed in detail with the help of some easy examples, such as planning to organise a marriage.
Villagers shared information about the reality of their village, such as the contractor who has been regularly visiting and asking them to construct toilets before 30 November. But they are not sure why. Some villagers were keen to know about the money they are supposed to receive if they agree to construct toilets.
The programme concluded with all participants agreeing to hold a meeting of the gram panchayat on 18 November and develop a ‘Vision’ that will promote cleanliness in their village. Officials from different departments agreed to share official village-related data to help the villagers prepare their plan.