28-Dec-2021 to 29-Dec-2021

PRIA in partnership with Sahbhagi Shikshan Kendra, Unnati and Samarthan organised a two-day training workshop on “Strengthening NEXTGEN Leadership” for 11 individual leaders from different parts of the country – Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh. 

These leaders have recently assumed leadership role in the organisations. The training, therefore, focussed on broadening their skills, knowledge, and confidence to take on leadership responsibilities in their respective organisations.

The main learning objectives of the workshop were: 

  1. Articulating the social change that each organisation wants to achieve 2. Clarifying leadership functions in preparing the organisation to achieve this social change 
  2. Preparing a pathway for leadership and organisational development

The process of learning initiated during the training workshop will continue even after the training. The ideas discussed and identified by the participants will be implemented by them whereas PRIA, Unnati and SSK will keep extending their support to these organisations to achieve these goals.

For detailed report, click here